The first thing a strategic military leader commands in conflict is to take out POWER and COMMUNICATION on the other side.
Satan tries to counterfeit, manipulate and distort all good things to his advantage. God uses all things to OUR advantage.
Feelings don't just happen to us. We choose how to feel (agency at its finest) as we educate our desires either towards or away from God.
D&C 8:2 - He will tell us in our mind AND (not OR) our heart. Feelings are connected to revelation so we must learn to allow ourselves to feel them, to recognize them, etc.
There are over 1800 different emotions. But, Satan, in a desire to destroy communication and power (both with God and with one another) works hard to distort, destroy, and devalue our emotional IQ. Most of us only identify with 12 or 14 different emotions and frequently blame circumstances for thrusting those particular emotions upon us (even the "good" feelings).
What emotions would you MOST like to feel MOST often? For me it's the fruits of the Spirit: JOY, PEACE, LOVE
What does JOY feel like? (6:31, 7:8, 11:13, 18:13-16, 19:37-39, 21:8)
What does PEACE feel like? (1:35, 6:23, 19:23)
(Sometimes describing those particular feelings is like trying to describe the taste of salt. You know what it is. You know what it tastes like. You can tell when it is missing. But, it is hard to describe. Here is where describing what it feels like when you DON'T feel this emotion might help you understand it better.)
What does LOVE feel like? (4:5, 6:19-20, 10:21, 12:8, 18:19, 20:19,31)
How do different kinds of love make you FEEL? (Do a Word association - try to get to honest emotion not how they think these kinds of love should make them feel. And don't let them use the word love to describe how love makes them feel. Push them to discover other facets of emotion. Use my own examples. Be honest with them.)
- Parents/Family (safe, secure, capable, concern, grounded, admired)
- Friends (happy, comfortable, inspired, challenged, understood)
- Mission Companions/Those You Serve WITH (unified, grateful, humble)
- People you serve (humbled, compassionate, joyful, useful, empathetic, inspired)
- Romantic Interests (excited, insecure, attraction)
- Self (introspective, confident, resourceful)
- God (forgiveness, mercy, hope, chastised, loveable, of great worth, whole)
In our efforts to build up ZION (one heart - power, one mind - communication) by inviting all to come unto Christ we need to be more comfortable giving and receiving love. Why aren't we?
Over 300 of those 1800+ emotions are different manifestations of LOVE. Don't limit our definition of what love can be. Don't let Satan distort it into only sexual attraction or only big, drama-filled, out-of-control emotions. Doing so reduces our communication with one another and with the Spirit. It also reduces our power as we compartmentalize our relationships to fit that definition. We should be working towards "a love of God and of all men."
All love is of God. If it is not of God? It is not love. (Find that conference talk.)
Charity covereth a multitude of sins.
LOVE is associated with the heart. The Latin based words for heart: Corazon or Cogollo (Spanish); Coeur (French); Cuore or Coraggio (Italian). Courage (or to take heart) has a similar root meaning. The Latin based words for courage: Coraje (Spanish); Courage (French); Coraggio (Italian). What role does courage play in love?
When we feel love - we should express love. Why don't we? What holds us back?
An identical action with different motivation can give you an entirely different outcome. Do more things with love. Relate to one another with more love.
THE most important love we can allow ourselves to feel is the love of God. How do you feel it? Do you seek after it? How many times has He said, "Seek and ye shall find?"
"I stand all amazed at the LOVE Jesus offers me…"
When we understand that then being engaged in His work is not work at all but an expression of our love for Him and for one another. It also opens up the windows of heaven for increased revelation in our lives - he will tell us in our hearts and in our minds all things what we should do.
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